Al Sabado
Shared publicly - 9:07 PM
The person I referred to in one of my blogs (http://alsabado.blogspot.com/2015/09/updated-lists-of-false-christian.html) is a committed member of the Baptist Church. He told me he hasn't heard of "contemplative spirituality" and I suppose many others haven't heard of the same either.
Brennan Manning, a contemplative proponent, became a familiar name to me, in over a decade that I attended Bread of Life Ministries (BOL). The BOL pastors are probably among the most vocal when it comes to promoting (and practicing) such spirituality. Some who left BOL, aren't much aware (or they probably are) of such dangers lurking in this spirituality that they've brought it with them upon transferring to other churches, such as CCF.
If you haven't heard of contemplative spirituality and its dangers, please continue reading by visiting the link below. Good evening.
DISCLAIMER: I am posting the following link for information only and not for endorsing any affiliations of the author.
Brennan Manning, a contemplative proponent, became a familiar name to me, in over a decade that I attended Bread of Life Ministries (BOL). The BOL pastors are probably among the most vocal when it comes to promoting (and practicing) such spirituality. Some who left BOL, aren't much aware (or they probably are) of such dangers lurking in this spirituality that they've brought it with them upon transferring to other churches, such as CCF.
If you haven't heard of contemplative spirituality and its dangers, please continue reading by visiting the link below. Good evening.
DISCLAIMER: I am posting the following link for information only and not for endorsing any affiliations of the author.
Return to Journal Index Menu | Go to Main Menu. Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society, Autumn 1997 -- Volume 10:19. What is Contemplative Spirituality and Why is It