Hello, dear reader. I've not posted anything here for a long time. But I pray that you and your loved ones are safe and in good health. Today, I'm reposting here from another website the article, "Should a Christian Celebrate Christmas?". I hope you could take the time to read it too. Feel free to share the link with others.
I wish you a blessed week ahead.
But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. (Matthew 5:37, King James Version)
Friday, December 20, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
REPOST: List Of (Probable) False Christian Leaders, False Christian Teachers and False Prophets (As Indicated By The Ecumenical or Heretical Organisations They Belong To)
[This post by John Chingford has been copied from his website and pasted here with his consent (see "Please Distribute This Blog"), to inform and warn the brethren of false teachers and false church leaders. The style and formatting has been modified, if not removed, for the article to be compatible with this current web page. You may visit the complete and comprehensive post by clicking here.]
Latter Rain
Manifest Sons of God
Fullers Theological Seminary
Word of Faith
Shepherding Movement
Restoration and House Church Movement
New Frontiers
Spring Harvest
New Breed
Joel's Army and New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)
Third Wave Movement
Toronto Blessing, Pensacola and Lakeland Revivals
Kingsway International Church (KICC)
Seeker Friendly
Purpose Driven (Rick Warren)
Emerging Church
Elijah List (list of prophetic Ministries)
Manhattan Declaration
Westminster 2010 Declaration
THE MESSAGE (Bible translation by Eugene Peterson) endorsers
Jerusalem Prayer Team
Lausanne Movement (founded By Billy Graham)
International Apostolic Council (IAC)
International Coalition of Apostles (ICA)
Mission America Coalition (MAC)
American Society for Church Growth (ASCG)
Evangelicals and Catholics Together 1994
The following list of leaders replaces a list I previously gave. That older list used to appear on this earlier article List and Details On Other False Teachers and Prophets which was compiled on RR's website. I had to remove the RR list as I found it too questionable to retain. Please note that that older article still exists and retains some very useful information and shortcut links which complement this article, so would still be good to refer to.
Before you look at the list of leaders table (alphabetical order) please familiarise yourselves with a few pointers.
Note "Emerging Church Links" is based on list found on http://www.buzzardhut.net/index/htm/
American Society for Church Growth
Evangelicals and Catholics Together 1994 Signed Ecumenical Document
FL5 and SM
Fort Lauderdale 5 and Shepherding Movement
Graduated or Faculty (Lectured) at Fullers Theological Seminary
International Apostolic Council
International Coalition of Apostles (Council Membership)
Jerusalem Prayer Team
Lausanne Movement
Missions America Coalition
signed the ecumenical Manhattan Declaration
endorsed "The Message" Counterfeit Bible
New Apostolic Reformation
endorsed/speaker of Promise Keepers
Spring Harvest
Toronto Blessing
signed ecumenical Westminster Declaration
World Prayer Centre Leader
Dave Adams
New Frontiers
Julian Adams
New Frontiers
Miriam Adeney
Doug Addison
Elijah List
Che Ahn
ICA, Elijah List, MD
Daniel Akin
Randy Alcorn
Joe Aldrich
MAC member
Rory and Wendy Alec
God TV, Elijah List
Michael Nazir Ali
Lon Allison
MAC vice chairman
Beth Alves
Elijah List
Joni Ames
Elijah List
David Anderson
Julie Anderson
Leith Anderson
Fullers (graduated), Message, LM, MD, MAC Board
Alan Andrews
MAC Board
Ian Andrews
Elijah List
Ernest Angley
Word Faith
Gleason Archer
Fullers (Faculty)
Don Argue
MAC member
Charles Arn
ASCG Past President
Carol Arnott
Latter Rain, NAR, TB, Elijah List
John Arnott
Latter Rain, NAR, TB, Alpha Supporter, Elijah List
Kay Arthur
Matthew Ashimolowo
Word Faith. KICC,
Yemisi Ashimolowo
Word Faith. KICC,
Paul Ashton
David Augsburger
Fullers (Faculty)
Liz Babbs
Emerging Church Links
Mark L. Bailey
George Bakalov
Heidi Baker
Elijah List
Jim and Lori Bakker
Elijah List
Colin Baron
New Frontiers
Karl Barth
Emerging Church
Ruth Haley Barton
Emerging Church Links
Don Basham
FL5 and SM
Gary Bauer
Ern Baxter
FL5 and SM
Bob Beckett
Latter Rain, Joels Army
Rob Bell
Fullers (Graduated), Emerging Church,
John Belt
Elijah List
Todd Bentley
Joels Army, New Breed, NAR,
John Bevere
Word Faith, Hillsong Speaker
Mike Bickle
Latter Rain, New Breed, NAR, TB, Alpha Supporter, Elijah List, Emerging Church Links
Adrian Birks
New Frontiers
Markus Bishop
Word Faith
Tim Blaber
New Frontiers
Paul and Cheryl Black
Elijah List
Henry Blackaby
PK Leader
Bishop Charles E. Blake
William Blake
Emerging Church
Ken Blanchard
Emerging Church Links
Ron Blue
PK Speaker
Ken Boa
Ryan Bolger
Fullers (Faculty), Emerging Church
Shawn Bolz
Elijah List
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Emerging Church
Reinhard Bonnke
Word Faith, MAC member
Wellington Boone
PK Leader, Message
Marcus Borg
Emerging Church
David Bosch
Emerging Church
Cynthia Bourgeault
Emerging Church
Lyndon Bowring
Elim, WD
Gregory Boyd
Emerging Church
Steve Brady
William Branham
Latter Rain Founder, Manifest Sons Of God
Randy & Sarah Brannon
Barbie Breathitt
Elijah List
James Brenneman
Fullers (Graduated)
Bill Bright
Fullers (Graduated), PK Speaker, JPT, ECT
Mrs. Vonette Bright
MAC member
Stuart and Jill Briscoe
Troy Bronsink
Emerging Church Links
Peter Brooks
New Frontiers
Colin Brown
Fullers (Faculty)
Warren S. Brown
Fullers (Faculty)
Walter Brueggemann
Emerging Church
Jamie Buckingham
Renovare Board
Frederick Buechner
Bob Buford
Emerging Church Links
Isak Burger
Edward Buria
New Frontiers
Spencer Burke
Emerging Church
Jim Burns
Glenn Burris, Jr
MAC Board
Luis Bush
MAC member
Nick Butterworth
Dave Butts
MAC Board
Roger Bye
New Frontiers
Juanita Bynum
Word Faith
Christine Caine
Hillsong Speaker
Paul Cain
Latter Rain, Manifest Sons Of God, NAR
Clive Calver
SH, MAC member
Wes and Stacey Campbell
Elijah List
Tony Campolo
Emerging Church, SH, TB, Alpha Supporter, Renovare Board, Message
Peter J. Cannon
MAC member
Michael Card
George Carey
Alpha Supporter, WD
G. Raymond Carlson
Renovare Board
Edward John Carnell
Fullers (Faculty)
Michael Cassidy
Paul Cedar
MAC Chairman
Morris Cerullo
Word Faith
Steve Chalke
Emerging Church, SH
Willie Champion
MAC Board
Bryan Chapell
Gary Chapman
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Emerging Church
Martin Charlesworth
New Frontiers
Nick Chatrath
New Frontiers
Mahesh & Bonnie Chavda
Elijah List
Michel & Natalie Chevalier
Elijah List
Mark Chironna
Tapiwa Chizana
New Frontiers
James Chosa
Shane Claiborne
Emerging Church
Patsy Clairmont
Heather Clark
Elijah List
Nolan Clark
Latter Rain, Joels Army, Elijah List
Randy Clark
Latter Rain, NAR, Word Faith, Elijah List
Stephen Clark
Catholic renewalists joined Fort Lauderdale 5
Gary Clarke
Hillsong Speaker
Philip Clayton
Fullers (Graduated)
Kim Clement
Word Faith, Elijah List
Anita Cleverly
Steve Clifford
Denny and Ann Cline
Vineyard, Elijah List
Timothy Clinton
Gerald Coates
Restoration, Pioneer Network Leader, TB, Alpha Supporter, WD
Chris Cole
Edward Cole
PK Leader
Bob Coleman
MAC Board
Jim Collins
Emerging Church Links
Chuck Colson
PK Speaker, MD, MAC member, ECT (Co-Signer)
Bobby Conner
Elijah List
PK Speaker
Graham Cooke
Elijah List
Barney Coombs
Restoration, Salt and Light Leader
Kenneth Copeland
Word Faith, Message, JPT
John Corts
MAC member
Ron Cottle
Paul and Donna Cox
Elijah List
Larry Crabb
PK Speaker, Emerging Church Links
Denny Cramer
Elijah List
Andy Crouch
Emerging Church
Jan Crouch
Paul Crouch
Word Faith, TBN
John Crowder
Latter Rain, NAR
Loren Cunningham
LM, MAC member
Jim Daly
Kimberly Daniels
Elijah List
Paul Keith Davis
New Breed, Elijah List
John Dawson
Latter Rain, Joels Army, NAR, PK Speaker
Joy Dawson
Latter Rain, NAR
Jack Deere
Latter Rain, NAR
Eric Delve
Martin DeHaan
MAC member
Danny de León
MAC Board
Mark DeMoss
PK Leader
Karl Dennis
Jacques Derrida
Emerging Church
David Devenish
New Frontiers
James Dobson
PK, MD, MAC member
Shirley Dobson
MAC member
Creflo Dollar
Word Faith
Steve Douglass
LM, MAC Board
Naomi Dowdy
James T. Draper
Dave Dravecky
Mark Driscoll
Emerging Church Links, New Frontiers
Phil Driscoll
Malcolm Duncan
Maxie D Dunnam
MAC member
Martyn Dunsford
New Frontiers
Jesse Duplantis
Word Faith
Colin Dye
Elim links with Latter Rain and Word Faith
Joni Eareckson Tada
Message, MD
John Eckhardt
ICA, Elijah List
Meister Eckhart
Emerging Church Links
Joel Edwards
New Frontiers, SH, EA, Alpha Supporter
Tilden Edwards
Emerging Church
Garris Elkins
Elijah List
Ray Ellis
ASCG Past President
Gordon England
PK Leader
Lou Engle
Elijah List
Ted W. Engstrom
Renovare Board, MAC member
Aaron Evans
Elijah List
Louis Evans
MAC member
Mike Evans
Elijah List
Tony Evans
PK Speaker
Jerry Falwell
PK Speaker, JPT
Jeff Farmer
MAC Board
Gary Fawver
Renovare Board
Gordon Fee
Richard Felix
Renovare Board
Ana Mendez-Ferrell
Elijah List
Emerson Mendez-Ferrell
Elijah List
Dave Fickett
Edward L Foggs
MAC member
Ken Fong
Leighton Ford
TB, Alpha Supporter, Message, LM, MAC member
Theresa Forkins-Phillips
Elijah List
Faith Forster
Restoration, Renovare Board
Roger Forster
Restoration, Ichthus Leader, TB, Alpha Supporter, Renovare Board
Richard Foster
Fullers (Faculty), Emerging Church, Renovare Founder, Message,
George Fox
Emerging Church Links
Matthew Fox
Emerging Church
Pat Francis
Francis Frangipane
Latter Rain, Joels Army, NAR, Elijah List
Jentezen Franklin
Hillsong Speaker
William C. Frey
Renovare Board
Millard Fuller
Renovare Board, MAC member
Bill and Gloria Gaither
Henry Gariepy
Renovare Board
Joseph Garlington
PK Leader, Elijah List
Carl F. George
ASCG Past President
Timothy George
Eddie Gibbs
Fullers (Faculty), Emerging Church, ASCG Past President
Livy Gibbs
New Frontiers
Ken Gire
Emerging Church Links
John Glass
Elim, Links with New Age, WD
Martin Goldsmith
James & Michal Ann Goll
Elijah List
Dr. Goodwill Shana
New Frontiers
Richard Gorsuch
Fullers (Faculty)
Ken Gott
TB, Alpha Supporter
Billy Graham
Fullers (Trustees Board), PK Speaker (taped messages at events), LM (Founder), Message, MAC member
Franklin Graham
PK Speaker
Jack Graham
Amy Grant
Robert Grant
Fullers (Graduated)
Joel B. Green
Fullers (Faculty)
Lynn Green
Phillip Greenslade
New Frontiers
Pete Greig
Emerging Church Links
Emilie Griffin
Emerging Church Links
Vernon Grounds
John Groves
New Frontiers
Wayne Grudem
New Frontiers
John Guest
MAC member
Os Guinness
Kenn Gulliksen
Nicky Gumbel
Alpha Leader, TB, Hillsong Speaker
Madam Guyon
Emerging Church
Ted Haggard
Latter Rain, Joels Army, NAR
Kenneth E Hagin
Word Faith (father of movement)
Kenneth W Hagin Jnr
Word Faith
Bill Hamon
Latter Rain, NAR, ICA, Elijah List
Jane Hansen
MAC member
Michael Harper
Renovare Board
Greg Haslam
New Frontiers
Matt Hatch
New Frontiers
Gary Haugen
Jack W. Hayford
TB, Alpha Supporter, PK Regular Speaker, Renovare Speaker, Message, JPT, LM, MAC member
David Hazard
Emerging Church Links
Keith Hazell
New Frontiers
Jack and Cynthia Heald
Larry Helyer
Fullers (Graduated)
Ken Hemphill
MAC Board
Howard Hendricks
PK Speaker
James B Henry
MAC member
Les Henson
Fullers (Graduated)
Roberta Hestenes
Renovare Board
Marilyn Hickey
Word Faith
Andy Hickford
Robert Hicks
PK Speaker
Scott Hicks
Elijah List
Alec Hill
MD, MAC member
Clifford and Monica Hill
E.V. Hill.
PK Speaker
Steve Hill
Latter Rain, NAR, Pensacola
Benny Hinn
New Breed, Word Faith, Message
Dean Hirsch
C B Hogue
MAC member
Tom Hohstadt
Emerging Church
David Holden
New Frontiers
Liz Holden
New Frontiers
Simon Holley
New Frontiers
Adrian Holloway
New Frontiers
David Hope
Alpha Supporter
John Hosier
New Frontiers
Matt Hosier
New Frontiers
Sue Hosier
New Frontiers
Judith Hougen
Emerging Church Links
Bobbie Houston
Hillsong Speaker
Brian Houston
Hillsong Founder and Speaker
Rodney Howard-Browne
Latter Rain, Word Faith, TB, Elijah List
David Hubbard
Fullers (Faculty)
Larry Huch
Word Faith
John A Huffman Jr
MAC member
Ray Hughes
Elijah List
Hannah Hunard
Emerging Church Links
George Hunter III
ASCG Past President
Kent R Hunter
ASCG Past President
Theresa Hurlbert
Elijah List
Sterling Huston
MAC Board
Bill Hybels
Seeker Friendly, TB, Alpha Supporter, PK Speaker, Emerging Church Links, Message
Bill Jackson
John Paul Jackson
Latter Rain, NAR
Harry Jackson Jr
Elijah List
Cindy Jacobs
Latter Rain, Joels Army, NAR, Elijah List
T.D. Jakes
Word Faith, Hillsong Speaker, JPT
Jerry Jenkins
Willie Jennings
Fullers (Graduated)
Paul Jewett
Fullers (Faculty)
Kate and Paul Jinadu
Bill Johnson
Latter Rain, NAR, Elijah List
Jan Johnson
Emerging Church Links
Andy Johnston
New Frontiers
Alan Jones
Emerging Church Links
Bob Jones
Latter Rain, NAR, Elijah List
Bonnie Jones
Elijah List
Bryn Jones
Laurie Beth Jones
Emerging Church Links
Tony Jones
Fullers (Graduated), Emerging Church
Rick Joyner
Latter Rain, NAR. New Breed, Elijah List, Knight of Malta
Carl Jung
Emerging Church
Dan Juster
Stephen Kaberia
New Frontiers (Kenya)
Walter Kaiser Jr
Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen
Fullers (Faculty)
Reese R. Kauffman
MAC member
Malcolm Kayes
New Frontiers
Thomas Keating
Emerging Church
Tim Keller
Gerard Kelly
John P Kelly
ICA (2010 Presiding Apostle), IAC
Morton Kelsey
Emerging Church Links
R.T. Kendall
Alpha Supporter
Billy and Caroline Kennedy
Restoration Link, National Churches Forum UK (Leader)
Ron Kenoly
Carol Kent
Keri Wyatt Kent
Emerging Church Links
E.W. Kenyon
Originator of Word Faith Teachings (leading to Kenneth E Hagan’s becoming “father” of that movement)
Jay Kesler
Lawrence Khong
Sue Monk Kidd
Emerging Church Links
Søren Kierkegaard
Emerging Church
John Kilpatrick
Latter Rain, NAR
Billy Kim
PK Speaker
Joon Gon Kim
Fullers (Graduated)
Dan Kimball
Emerging Church
Tim Kimmel
Patricia King
Latter Rain, NAR, Elijah List
Dennis Kinlaw
MAC member
Immanuel Kinoti
New Frontiers (Kenya)
New Frontiers (Kenya)
Jerry R. Kirk
Renovare Board
Denny Kline
Latter Rain, Joels Army
Mark Knoll
Stephen Gitonga Kobia
New Frontiers (Kenya)
Clarence A. Kopp, Sr.
Renovare Board
Alex Kpikpi
New Frontiers
John Kpikpi
New Frontiers
Charles H. Kraft
Fullers (Faculty), Third Wave
George Eldon Ladd
Fullers (Faculty)
Tim and Beverly LaHaye
JPT, MAC members,
Anne Lamont
Emerging Church
Richard Land
Beverley Landreth-Smith
New Frontiers
Curt Landry
Elijah List
Paul Larsen
MAC member
Greg Laurie
PK Speaker
William Law
Emerging Church Links
Vinton Lee
PK Leader
Anderson Lekesike
New Frontiers (Kenya)
Madeleine L'Engle
Robert Lenguliai
New Frontiers (Kenya)
David LeShana
Renovare Board
C.S. Lewis
Emerging Church
Larry Lewis
MAC Board, ECT
David Lillie
Bishop Nathaniel Linsey
MAC member
Stef Liston
New Frontiers
Duane Litfin
Lex Loizides
New Frontiers
H. B. London, Jr
PK Leader, Renovare
Bishop Eddie L. Long
Word Faith
Tremper Longman III
Peter Lord
Renovare Board
Ray Lowe
New Frontiers
T.L. Lowery
Max Lucado
PK Speaker, Message, MAC member
Martha Lucia
Elijah List
Keith and Sanna Luker
Elijah List
Carl H. Lundquist
Renovare Board
Peter Lyne
Gordon MacDonald
Hugh Maclellan
Nancy Magiera
Elijah List
Peter Maiden
Al Maingi
New Frontiers (Kenya)
David & Karen Mains
Renovare Board
Mbonisi Malaba
New Frontiers
Alan Mann
Emerging Church
Judy Littler Manners
Brennan Manning
Emerging Church
David Mansell
Jonathan Maracle
Elijah List
Scott Marques
New Frontiers
Ralph Martin
Catholic renewalists joined Fort Lauderdale 5
Martin Marty
Renovare Board
Yaqub Masih
James Earl Massey
MAC member
John Mathison
MAC member
Joseph Mattera
David Matthew
John Maxwell
Fullers (Graduated), Hillsong Speaker, Message, MAC member
Gerald May
Emerging Church Links
John Mbui
New Frontiers (Kenya)
Campbell McAlpine
Bill McCartney
PK Top Leader, Vineyard, MAC member
Clarence McClendon
Word Faith
Floyd McClung
Ian McCulloch
Gordon MacDonald
Josh McDowell
PK Speaker, MD, MAC member
Ken McGeorge
PK Leader
Cindy McGill
Elijah List
Alistair McGrath
Alpha Supporter
Gary L. McIntosh
ASCG Past President
Paul McKaughan
MAC member
David L. McKenna
Renovare Board
Brian McLaren
Emerging Church, SH
John McLaughlan
Hugh Maclellan
Alan McMahan
ASCG Past President
Erwin McManus
Emerging Church
Reeni Mederos
Elijah List
Ana Mendez-Ferrell
Elijah List
Emerson Mendez-Ferrell
Elijah List
Thomas Merton
Emerging Church
Joyce Meyer
Word Faith, Message
Sandy Millar
Alpha Leader, TB
Calvin Miller
Renovare Board, Emerging Church Links
Donald Miller
Emerging Church
Guy Miller
New Frontiers
Keith Miller
Elijah List, Message
Joshua and Janet Mills
Elijah List
Jesse Miranda
Don Moen
R. Albert Mohler, Jr
Jürgen Moltmann
Emerging Church
Sue Monk Kidd
Emerging Church Links
James Montgomery
MAC member
Beth Moore
Emerging Church
Derek Morphew
Tony Morton
Richard Mouw
Fullers (Faculty - Current President), LM, ECT
David Mugambi
New Frontiers (Kenya)
Mel Mullen
Richard Muller
Fullers (Faculty)
Wayne Muller
Emerging Church Links
Bob Mumford
FL5 and SM
Eleanor Mumford
TB, Vineyard, Alpha Supporter
John Mumford
Myles Munroe
Word Faith, Elijah List
Steve Munsey
Word Faith
Mike Murdock
Word Faith
Ayub Murithi
New Frontiers (Kenya)
Nancey Murphy
Fullers (Faculty)
Michael Mutea
New Frontiers (Kenya)
Sammy Mutiria
New Frontiers (Kenya)
David J. Muyskens
Emerging Church Links
Harold L. Myra
MAC member
Michael Nazir-Ali
Alex Ndombi
New Frontiers (Kenya)
David Neff
Richard John Neuhaus
ECT Catholic Co-Signer
Joseph Njagi
New Frontiers (Kenya)
John Noble
Henri Nouwen
Emerging Church, Renovare Board
Nims Obunge
Peter Ochs
Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga
Lloyd John Ogilvie
Renovare Board, MAC member
Gary Oliver
PK Speaker
Steve Oliver
New Frontiers
Jonathan Oloyede
Dipo Oluyomi
Amos Onyango
New Frontiers(Kenya)
J. Edwin Orr
Fuller (Faculty)
John Ortberg
Fullers (Graduated), Emerging Church Links
Juan Carlos Ortiz
PK Speaker
T L Osborn
Latter Rain
Joel Osteen
Word Faith, Hillsong Speaker
George Otis Jr
Latter Rain, Joels Army, NAR
Jane Overstreet
J.I. Packer
Alpha Supporter, Renovare Board, Message, MD, ECT
Doug Pagitt
Emerging Church
Luis Palau
Alpha Supporter, PK Speaker, LM, MAC member
Tom Panich
Elijah List
William Pannell
Renovare Board
Joy Parrott
Elijah List
Les Parrott
Fullers (Graduated)
Roger Parrott
MAC Board
Rod Parsley
Word Faith, Message
Richard Peace
Fullers (Faculty)
Dennis Peacock
M. Scott Peck
Emerging Church
Kathy Peel
Basil Pennington
Emerging Church Links
John Perkins
LM, MAC member
Graham Perrins
Ben Peters
Elijah List
Eugene H. Peterson
Renovare Board, Emerging Church Links, Author "The Message"
Mark Pfeifer
Randy Phillip
PK Leader
Jason Phillips
Elijah List
Theresa Forkins-Phillips
Elijah List
Tom Phillips
MAC Board
Chuck Pierce
Latter Rain, NAR, ICA, IAC, Elijah List, WPC Leader
Michael Pierce
Latter Rain, Joels Army
John Piper
Fullers (Graduated), LM, NAR links
Becky Pippert
Sam Poe
New Frontiers
Bill Pollard
John Poole
FL5 and SM
Peter Popoff
Word Faith
Philip Porter
PK Leader
Simon Ponsonby
Don Potter
Elijah List
Fred Price
Word Faith
Paula Price
Elijah List
Derek Prince
FL5 and SM
Joseph Prince
Hillsong Speaker
Mary Pytches
Dennis Rainey
PK Speaker
Rollin Ramsaran
Fullers (Graduated)
Larry Randolph
Elijah List
R. Daniel Reeves
ASCG Past President
Gustave Reininger
Emerging Church Links
Tricia Rhodes
Emerging Church Links
Robert Ricciardelli
Elijah List
Wayne Rice
D. John Richard
MAC member
Rick Ridings
Elijah List
Alberto Rivera
(not Chick Pub Alberto), Elijah List
Kimberly Rivera
Elijah List (not Jack Chick's Alberto)
John D. Robb
Fullers (Graduated)
Duffy Robbins
Message, Emerging Church Links
Maggie Robbins
Emerging Church Links
Cecil Mel Robeck
Fullers (Faculty)
Oral Roberts
Word Faith, JPT
Pat Robertson
(assumed Word Faith because of his strong links), MAC member, ECT
Haddon Robinson
PK Speaker
Ras Robinson
Elijah List
Tri Robinson
James Robison
PK Speaker
Rick Rogan
Fullers (Graduated)
Adrian Rogers
MAC member
Richard Rohr
Emerging Church Links
Richard Rolle
Emerging Church Links
Rob Rufus
New Frontiers
Ruth Ruibal
Latter Rain, Joels Army
Julio Ruibal
Latter Rain, Joels Army
Rick Ryan
PK Speaker
Thomas Ryan
Emerging Church Links
James Ryle
Vineyard, PK Founder (Spoke 1994)
Rebecca St. James
Philip St. Romain
Emerging Church Links
Will Sampson
Emerging Church Links
John & Paula Sandford
Elijah List
Jerry Savelle
Mark Scandrette
Emerging Church Links
Michael Scanlan
Renovare Board
Pete Scazzero
Emerging Church Links
M. Scott Peck
Emerging Church
Dale Schlafer
PK Leader
David M. Scholer
Fullers (Faculty)
Robert A Schuller Jnr
Fullers (Graduated), Seeker Friendly
Robert H Schuller Snr
Seeker Friendly, JPT, Emerging Church Links
Chris Seay
Emerging Church
Samir Selmanovic
Emerging Church Links
Peter Senge
Emerging Church Links
Dr. Cory SerVaas
R.W. Shambach
Word Faith
Dr. Goodwill Shana
New Frontiers
David LeShana
Renovare Board
Nick Sharp
New Frontiers
Luci Shaw
Tom Shaw
New Frontiers
Dutch Sheets
Latter Rain, Joels Army, NAR, Elijah List
Greg Shepherd
New Frontiers
Priscilla Shirer
Hillsong Speaker
David Shosanya
Robert Shuler
See Robert Schuller above
Steve Shultz Leader
Elijah List
Sibs Sibanda
New Frontiers
Ronald J. Sider
Renovare Board
Ed Silvoso
Latter Rain, Joels Army, NAR, ICA, IAC
Brian Simmons
Elijah List
Arthur Simon
Renovare Board
Jeremy Simpkins
New Frontiers
Charles Simpson
FL5 and SM
Kent Simpson
Elijah List
Mary Lance Sisk
MAC Board
Steve Sjogren
Donna Smallenberg
Elijah List
Gary Smalley
PK Speaker, Message
Lewis B. Smedes
Fullers (Faculty), Renovare Board
Chuck Smith Snr ????
PK Speaker Spoke 1994
Chuck Smith Jnr
Emerging Church Links
David Smith
New Frontiers
Don Smith
New Frontiers
Judah Smith
Hillsong Speaker
Maurice Smith
Michael W. Smith
Rolland Smith
MAC member
Jim Smoke
PK Speaker
Ashleigh Smyth
New Frontiers
P-J Smyth
New Frontiers
Olave Snelling
Howard A. Snyder
Renovare Board
Matt Sorger
Latter Rain, Joels Army, Elijah List
Dan Southerland
Emerging Church Links
Peter Spencer
Elijah List
Russell P. Spittler
Fullers (Faculty), Renovare Board
Wess Staford
Glen Stassen
Fullers (Faculty)
Richard E. Stearns
MAC member
Dave Steell
John Robert Stevens
Latter Rain, NAR, The Walk
Don Stewart
Word Faith
Mark Stibbe
TB, Alpha Supporter, WD
John Stott
Joseph Stowell
PK Speaker
Karl Strader
Word Faith
David Stroud
New Frontiers, Vineyard, WD
B. V. Subbamma
Fullers (Graduated)
Bill Sullivan
ASCG Past President
Tim Sutherland
Fullers (Graduated)
Jay Swallow
Elijah List
Leonard Sweet
Emerging Church
Chuck Swindoll
PK Speaker, Message, MD
Joni Eareckson Tada
Message, MD
John Michael Talbot
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Sunday, July 7, 2013
"Why believers should not attend church"
by Al Sabado
"Physical church, no. Spiritual church, yes." Whenever I'm asked if I already attend a physical church on Sundays, I just give a brief response about this because no matter how much I talk about it, multitudes are convinced that believers who do not attend a physical church are in the wrong path, and that's not surprising.
Very recently, I came across an article entitled, "Why believers should not attend church" and I agree with what the fellow believer has written there. I encourage you to take the time to read it as well. It's up to you to believe or reject the Biblical perspective it has carefully presented on why as believers we should not attend church. But God has already said in His Word:
Pride creeping in, the power of God's Word missing. We've seen numbing examples of church members pursuing excellence as they give their best in accomplishing church activities. We've seen burnout among the brethren who exert enormous efforts to complete the tasks within church premises. We've seen pride creeping in the hearts of church leaders, workers, and members upon witnessing "their" great accomplishments. We've seen hardworking church members who project strength of character but are actually void of a truthful and meaningful relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and with people in general. The list goes on:
The great commission popularized by churches thus gives them the reason to build expensive church structures in which church members are somewhat charismatically manipulated to impart their monetary contribution. But is that part of God's plan?
A megachurch I once attended had the great commission in mind, but after getting busy with raising funds and building an expensive church structure, it's now doing things apart from God's Word. Another megachurch I'd been to is pursuing the same goal of fulfilling the great commission, and it's also following the pattern of raising funds and erecting a huge and similarly expensive church building--in the name of the Lord Jesus and for the glory of God! But in the process, this megachurch has already been blinded by following false teachings, false trends, false array of so-called Christian literature, and especially, false teachers and church leaders promoting man-made plans and non-Biblical principles that mislead church members to become busy with "doing good works" and some, to collaborate with unbelievers, when God's Word commands us not to be equally yoke with such entities (2 Corinthians 6:14). But the Lord Jesus says,
We can't be pursuing great things and say we're doing them for God because we're not indispensable, not in a condescending way, but in the realization that God can do things with or without us because He is the sovereign, all-powerful, all-knowing God. His hands are never too short, and that assures us that He works according to His plans. God's Word says,
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But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. (1 John 2:27)
Very recently, I came across an article entitled, "Why believers should not attend church" and I agree with what the fellow believer has written there. I encourage you to take the time to read it as well. It's up to you to believe or reject the Biblical perspective it has carefully presented on why as believers we should not attend church. But God has already said in His Word:
But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:23-24)God-fearing men like Abraham and Noah are just a few Biblical examples whose lives attest that, as believers even in our time, we too can walk with God faithfully only because of God's enabling, that is, free from the "ifs" and "buts" of attending a physical church. But the subtly dangerous part is that church members believe they're "helping" fulfill what God has commissioned the believers to do (Matthew 28:19-20) by attending and by becoming members of a physical church. The intention is noble, but the act of striving to do that can lead to endangering the flock. The ambiguous concept of becoming "committed followers" of the Lord Jesus Christ has been attached to the task that churches refer to as the "great commission." (I've intentionally written the words in small letters, for everything that we're assigned to do under the sun ought to be treated with similar importance. God's Word says, "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;" [Colossians 3:23].)
Pride creeping in, the power of God's Word missing. We've seen numbing examples of church members pursuing excellence as they give their best in accomplishing church activities. We've seen burnout among the brethren who exert enormous efforts to complete the tasks within church premises. We've seen pride creeping in the hearts of church leaders, workers, and members upon witnessing "their" great accomplishments. We've seen hardworking church members who project strength of character but are actually void of a truthful and meaningful relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and with people in general. The list goes on:
The great commission popularized by churches thus gives them the reason to build expensive church structures in which church members are somewhat charismatically manipulated to impart their monetary contribution. But is that part of God's plan?
A megachurch I once attended had the great commission in mind, but after getting busy with raising funds and building an expensive church structure, it's now doing things apart from God's Word. Another megachurch I'd been to is pursuing the same goal of fulfilling the great commission, and it's also following the pattern of raising funds and erecting a huge and similarly expensive church building--in the name of the Lord Jesus and for the glory of God! But in the process, this megachurch has already been blinded by following false teachings, false trends, false array of so-called Christian literature, and especially, false teachers and church leaders promoting man-made plans and non-Biblical principles that mislead church members to become busy with "doing good works" and some, to collaborate with unbelievers, when God's Word commands us not to be equally yoke with such entities (2 Corinthians 6:14). But the Lord Jesus says,
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. (Matthew 7:21-23)Not every growth is from God. Many churches follow this pattern of building church structures and growing church memberships to move in that one direction of making disciples of all nations. But any wonder why churches split despite such noble intention? Church workers usually liken the situation to the separation of Paul and Barnabas (Acts 15:39). That's possible. But haven’t we thought about church divisions taking place because of God's disapproval? Haven't we thought of church divisions similar to that time when thousands of years ago, people planned to build the Tower of Babel and God confounded and scattered its builders (Genesis 11:1-9)? God destroys vain, man-made movements like that, doesn’t He?
We can't be pursuing great things and say we're doing them for God because we're not indispensable, not in a condescending way, but in the realization that God can do things with or without us because He is the sovereign, all-powerful, all-knowing God. His hands are never too short, and that assures us that He works according to His plans. God's Word says,
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?As believers, we thus understand that even if we don't go to a physical church, we are the very church of the Lord Jesus Christ--and that is our church membership.
(Romans 8:26-31)
Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth. (Romans 8:33)
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Updated: May 2015
Monday, June 24, 2013
Yes, I've stopped tithing and attending a physical church
by Al Sabado
But no, I'm not satanic. I'm a Bible-believing person who came to know the Lord Jesus Christ in 1991. I was a devout Catholic before that.
I'm writing briefly today in response to an online sermon whereby the pastor referred to those not attending a church or hearing a sermon as being arrogant and lacking submission to authority. The pastor seemed to negate the fact that there are valid reasons for not attending church. So, I uttered to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, "Lord, what do you think about that?" My personal experience is just one story reflecting similar circumstances of fellow believers leaving church. I stopped tithing and attending church in 2009, and my explanations for doing so have been detailed in the book, Among the emergent churches in the Philippines and the reasons I left them.
Related web posts:
Why believers should not attend church
Tithing: Low-Realm, Obsolete & Defunct
But no, I'm not satanic. I'm a Bible-believing person who came to know the Lord Jesus Christ in 1991. I was a devout Catholic before that.
I'm writing briefly today in response to an online sermon whereby the pastor referred to those not attending a church or hearing a sermon as being arrogant and lacking submission to authority. The pastor seemed to negate the fact that there are valid reasons for not attending church. So, I uttered to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, "Lord, what do you think about that?" My personal experience is just one story reflecting similar circumstances of fellow believers leaving church. I stopped tithing and attending church in 2009, and my explanations for doing so have been detailed in the book, Among the emergent churches in the Philippines and the reasons I left them.
23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:23-24)
I became part of an evangelical church for about 11 years. I went church hopping for another couple of years. Then I became an attendee and member of a non-denominational, purpose-driven megachurch for nearly four years. I resigned from church membership of that last one--THANK GOD! I looked around for another home church, until I finally became content in reading God's Word every day. I don't count chapters anymore when I read the Holy Bible. I just read and sometimes tell God quietly if I don't understand parts of His Word. I'm not afraid realizing I don't fully understand His Word soon enough. I'm at peace in knowing that the Holy Spirit is in my heart, enabling me as well as my fellow believers to understand the Word of God.
13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.If you're a pastor and you're teaching people to attend a church so that they'd come to know Jesus and grow spiritually in the faith, be careful . . . and think again. You might be claiming something for yourself or your church that ONLY the Lord Jesus Christ has the power to begin, continue, and accomplish.
14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. (John 16:13-14)
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14;6)
Related web posts:
Why believers should not attend church
Tithing: Low-Realm, Obsolete & Defunct
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Who are you when no one's looking?
by Al Sabado
Stories of backsliders abound when they seemed to be strong Christians all along. Pastors committing adultery. Worship leaders entering into illicit affairs. Intercessors engaging in fornication. Single women in ministry getting pregnant. Young adult church workers marrying unbelievers or ‘toddlers’ in the faith. Or never-been-marrieds choosing to marry second bests. (That last one isn't necessarily a backslider's story, but it can be a triggering factor based on human history.) The list goes on. What happened?
Now, we shouldn't point fingers on backsliders when we could be candidates for backsliding. So, let's carefully ponder in our hearts these questions as well:
Who am I as a believer when no one’s looking? What choices do I make when I'm alone? Am I a believer who finds strength in the daily reading of God’s Word? Or do I only read the Bible when I feel like reading and just resort to a so-called devotional? Is the Lord Jesus Christ the reason for my faith, or am I only a believer because I'm surrounded by church people/friends and immersed in ministry anyway? As a believer, where do I draw my confidence? Is it in the Lord Jesus Christ or in circumstances that tend to blend with my plans?
Indeed, just like King David, may our trust remain in the LORD.
Stories of backsliders abound when they seemed to be strong Christians all along. Pastors committing adultery. Worship leaders entering into illicit affairs. Intercessors engaging in fornication. Single women in ministry getting pregnant. Young adult church workers marrying unbelievers or ‘toddlers’ in the faith. Or never-been-marrieds choosing to marry second bests. (That last one isn't necessarily a backslider's story, but it can be a triggering factor based on human history.) The list goes on. What happened?
Now, we shouldn't point fingers on backsliders when we could be candidates for backsliding. So, let's carefully ponder in our hearts these questions as well:
Who am I as a believer when no one’s looking? What choices do I make when I'm alone? Am I a believer who finds strength in the daily reading of God’s Word? Or do I only read the Bible when I feel like reading and just resort to a so-called devotional? Is the Lord Jesus Christ the reason for my faith, or am I only a believer because I'm surrounded by church people/friends and immersed in ministry anyway? As a believer, where do I draw my confidence? Is it in the Lord Jesus Christ or in circumstances that tend to blend with my plans?
Indeed, just like King David, may our trust remain in the LORD.
Psalm 71
1 In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion.
2 Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to escape: incline thine ear unto me, and save me.
3 Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort: thou hast given commandment to save me; for thou art my rock and my fortress.
4 Deliver me, O my God, out of the hand of the wicked, out of the hand of the unrighteous and cruel man.
5 For thou art my hope, O Lord GOD: thou art my trust from my youth.
6 By thee have I been holden up from the womb: thou art he that took me out of my mother's bowels: my praise shall be continually of thee.
7 I am as a wonder unto many; but thou art my strong refuge.
8 Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the day.
9 Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth.
10 For mine enemies speak against me; and they that lay wait for my soul take counsel together,
11 Saying, God hath forsaken him: persecute and take him; for there is none to deliver him.
12 O God, be not far from me: O my God, make haste for my help.
13 Let them be confounded and consumed that are adversaries to my soul; let them be covered with reproach and dishonour that seek my hurt.
14 But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more.
15 My mouth shall shew forth thy righteousness and thy salvation all the day; for I know not the numbers thereof.
16 I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD: I will make mention of thy righteousness, even of thine only.
17 O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works.
18 Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come.
19 Thy righteousness also, O God, is very high, who hast done great things: O God, who is like unto thee!
20 Thou, which hast shewed me great and sore troubles, shalt quicken me again, and shalt bring me up again from the depths of the earth.
21 Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.
22 I will also praise thee with the psaltery, even thy truth, O my God: unto thee will I sing with the harp, O thou Holy One of Israel.
23 My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing unto thee; and my soul, which thou hast redeemed.
24 My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness all the day long: for they are confounded, for they are brought unto shame, that seek my hurt.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
God teaches us in His Word NOT to pray as the hypocrites do
by Al Sabado
This morning, I came across a photo of the Pope as front cover of one of the leading newspapers in the country. Quoted on photo are the following words: "POPE IN DEEP PRAYER (AFP) - Pope Francis lay prostrate on the floor of St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican as he prays in front of the altar during a Good Friday service in this handout picture released by the Vatican press office on March 29, 2013."
But what does the God of the Bible teach us about prayer? Let's read from Matthew 6:5-8.
God's Word says that "[whoso] causeth the righteous to go astray in an evil way, he shall fall himself into his own pit: . . ." (Proverbs 28:10). There is no other way but through God's only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who firmly speaks of Himself: "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" (John 14:6).
This morning, I came across a photo of the Pope as front cover of one of the leading newspapers in the country. Quoted on photo are the following words: "POPE IN DEEP PRAYER (AFP) - Pope Francis lay prostrate on the floor of St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican as he prays in front of the altar during a Good Friday service in this handout picture released by the Vatican press office on March 29, 2013."
But what does the God of the Bible teach us about prayer? Let's read from Matthew 6:5-8.
5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. [emphases mine]The Catholic church misleads its followers as it continues to uphold its teachings and the Pope above God's Word.
God's Word says that "[whoso] causeth the righteous to go astray in an evil way, he shall fall himself into his own pit: . . ." (Proverbs 28:10). There is no other way but through God's only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who firmly speaks of Himself: "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" (John 14:6).
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Is Hebrews 10:25 a command?
by Al Sabado
[I have truncated my initial writing here because I realized that the gerund is the assembling, not the forsaking. (Editing myself . . .)]
A few weeks ago, I received an email from a woman who shared the dilemma that she and her husband endure concerning their current church. They wonder whether they should leave their church because mysticism has been evident in its preaching and Bible studies. The woman has also noted that "Christians adhere more to mysticism without them knowing and [church] leaders seem to be okay with it." I was delighted with the woman's discovery. She was able to discern the deception lurking in their church. But then, after realizing the compromises of her church, her closing statement in the form of a question is just saddening: "But what about the mandate to us in Hebrews 10:25?" Her question tells me that she's not ready to leave an erring church because of Hebrews 10:25.
But think about it, if the church we're attending is in error, do you think God would be pleased if we choose to stay there?
I disagree--now that I have seen the deception flowing in today's churches--that Hebrews 10:25 commands us to stay in compromising churches. I can only agree with an article stating that this verse is not a command and that it's not even a sentence. Besides, believers can gather anywhere and at any time to realize the fullness of Hebrews 10, that is, from verses 22 to 25.
But God's Word is never lacking when it comes to warning and commanding us to flee from the works of the evil one. God's Word commands us to "abstain from all appearance of evil" (1 Th. 5:22)
I continued my response to the woman's email:
. . . What's long been misunderstood here--as I also thought Hebrews 10:25 as a command (of course, having trusted pastors, how could I not read it that way)--is that this verse is not even a sentence because it's a *continuation* of the previous verses (and perhaps, even chapters):
Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. (Hebrews 10:22-25, emphasis mine)
Reading these verses gives us the context, which is quite different from what we're taught in the churches of this day. These verses do not necessarily refer to a Sunday thing in particular but to a lifelong position of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ--anywhere, any day of the week.
You may read more on this passage from this link (not endorsing it, but sharing it for information only).
Be of good courage then, dear sister with your husband. The Lord Jesus Christ is never weak to lead and bring us out of darkness! :)
Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Be not ye therefore partakers with them. For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;) Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. (Ephesians 5:6-13, emphases mine)&&&
But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:23-24)In Christ's ever powerful
and unfailing love,
I did not hear from the woman again. Whether she disagrees with me and chooses to stay in her church--that is going to be "her" decision.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Unlearning Calvinism after 22 years . . . and other things that go with it
by Al Sabado
For quite some time, I was among the avid audience of Watchman Video Broadcast by Mike Hoggard. I was also a regular listener of Radio Free Church and its radio affiliate, KRSS. And perhaps, as I found them very compelling, I opted to type "Calvary Chapel" and "Mike Hoggard" on Google search just to find out if I needed to know something I didn’t know about them. Indeed, I didn’t know them enough. I may not be too articulate to explain the alarming things I discovered about them, but you may research about them online.
Along such discovery is the realization that I’d believed something I shouldn’t—Calvinism. I do not claim to understand it much, but what I know is that the churches I had been to uphold such doctrine, particularly "lordship salvation." (I now think that it's appropriate to write that pair in lowercase.) And after 22 years under its clout, I’ve decided to unlearn it as well. It’s taking some time for me to even understand it, much so to unlearn its misleading ways. I thank God for the brethren online who speak against such doctrine and uphold above all what God says in His Word in the Holy Bible.
While I've been understanding God's "free grace" anew, I also review my head knowledge about my faith. So I guess, the question to ask now is not "Have you made Jesus Christ your personal Lord and Savior?" but simply the question, "Do you believe in Jesus Christ?"
Following are Califgracer's YouTube videos: Louie Lordship and Freddie Free Grace on Lordship and Louie Lordship and Freddie Free Grace on Salvation. I still watch these videos a number of times . . .
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. (John 6:29)
And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. (Acts 16:31)
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. (James 2:19)
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
5 And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve:
6 After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep.
7 After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles.
8 And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time.8 And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time. (1 Corinthians 15:1-8)
Related posts:
- Yes, I've stopped tithing and attending a physical church
- Among the emergent churches in the Philippines and the reasons I left them (Revised Edition)
- Response to a friend who has stayed in an emergent church: "But God says in His Word. . ."
- Why believers should not attend church
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